Apr 21, 2010

Metal Mouth

A very odd duty I have been given as a bridesmaid is what I will call Retainer Accountability. "What is that?", you ask. Well, I live with Britt, a bride-to-be, and she wants to be better about wearing her retainers at night. She said it would be easier if she had an accountability partner, and that my friends, is where I come in.

This experience is truly a win-win because I want to be good about my straight teeth (Thanks mom and dad), but also be a good bridesmaid. It was an easy decision.

Last night was night 3 of Retainer Accountability. Britt was at a sleepover and left hers at home. As her partner in accountability, there will be consequences. Suggestions are welcome.

Because I think this is the only time I will ever blog about retainers, I will share all my retainer facts in this single post. The only really important thing to explain, as any true retainer wearer knows, is what they look like: My top retainer is pink stripes that glow in the dark with 4 dinosaurs while the bottom is lined with hearts on a pink tint. The dinosaurs may be the one surprise to you. I agree, it is uncommon to find them on retainers, let alone those that belong to a girl that picked them out at age 16. I was weirdly into dinosaurs. We all have our things.


  1. I have a fish on mine because my latest hobby was swimming at the time. Now it just feels weird NOT to wear them.

  2. Mine had an American flag design. Clearly, I am very patriotic while you are paleontologic...

  3. this is so sweet! what a nice friend you are!
