Jan 15, 2010

A boat, the beach, NYC, Bend, and the Courthouse got me 5 new dresses**

Part of me has been waiting to blog about this until Miss Rebekah Williams got engaged in the last, but certainly not least, proposal. But another part of me feels silly writing about it. But, this is my blog. This is my reality right now. I am not hesitant out of embarrassment but out of the fact that I feel like I already devote a lot of time to this subject and don’t want my readers to think I am one-dimensional. It’s more that this season is wrapped around one HUGE subject in a BIG way.

Things I have been hearing a lot lately (and my automatic reponses):

1. Start savin’! ("yeah, no duh")

2. Have you seen the movie 27 Dresses? It is totally like your story… ("hilarious")

3. What are you going to do when all your friends are gone? ("they aren’t dying...")

4. Maybe you will meet someone at one of the weddings. (no comment but in my head I think, “a girl can dream…” while giving them a smirk that says something more like, “that’s not what I am there for. Don’t be silly”)

5. What are you going to do with all of those hideous dresses ("my friends have excellent taste, thank you." I really do say this with confidence...while crossing my fingers)

6. Don’t feel like you need to get married just because your friends are ("I don’t. I don’t even have a boyfriend." This is specifically addressed to certain parents of mine)

7. Won’t they all just blend together….? (see response below)

No, absolutely not. I may be in more weddings this Summer than most, but that does not make me heartless. Weddings are a celebration, a ceremony of worship, and a time to honor a specific couple before God. I am not trying to be cheesy but to answer question #6, each wedding will be truly unique. I am honored to be a part of each one and thank goodness for my friends because I love event planning and semi-secretly scope wedding blogs quite frequently. This is not because I am wedding-obsessed but actually because I appreciate detail (So Dad, relax, I am not getting married soon). It is fun for me to hear the excitement of my friends as they finalize colors or pick out an outfit for engagement pictures. They are all so different that I am SURE their weddings will be as well. Already, I am amazed at watching them unfold in different directions. And if they unfold in similar directions (i.e. same colors or dresses), I will be moving to Mexico.

5 of my closest friends have asked me to stand at their side this summer and each of the 5 weddings will be uniquely special and meaningful. Why they all decided to get married within 3 months is something more coincidental than it is a plot against me. But today while at the courthouse for lunch, I was asked to be a witness for a couple getting married. I must have that wedding vibe radiating from me.

Funny Anecdotes from the Life of a Bridesmaid Part 1:

  • I own a book called “The Bridesmaid’s Handbook”

  • I will have gone wedding dress shopping twice this week for two different brides-to-be

  • I will not have to buy a dress for a very, very long time. (And not one in the same color!)

  • Lying to your friends about when they are getting engaged is great use of my Acting 101 class

  • The grooms requests for their wedding are far different from the bride (power suits for the bridesmaids, Tecate by the can at the reception, LA night club feel on the dance floor, and a lot of “I don’t care, whatever you want”)

  • My “Top Hits” sites have gone from my friend’s blogs, to those of wedding blogs.

I’m sure this is not the last you will be hearing about weddings. Stay tuned.

**Blog title refers to the locations that these 5 ladies were engaged. I love you all and am truly happy for you. Let the good times roll...


  1. In addition to power suits ole Stevesie wants to sing "Arms Wide Open" a cappella, with his own arms wide open, as I walk down the aisle toward him. Charming.

  2. Correction: A SAIL boat... :) haha
    But really, wouldnt want anyone else up there with me, i love you so much. You are a blessing

  3. i just laughed out loud. well done.
