Nov 12, 2009

Hello Kitty and Training Bras

Last Week at Younglife, we had Elementary School Night. This was taken on my iphone and conveniently hides the retainers that I had in for this otherwise attractive look.

Most of you know that I have been involved with Younglife since high school, but it wasn't until this year that I have been able to lead. A saying (that i embarrassingly spelled "sang" when i first went to write it) that is said often in this ministry is "you were made for this". Because, yes, all kids were made to be loved, and to be silly, and to know their creator.

In my rhetoric class at Westmont we studied the idea of speaking Truth and Frederick Buechner says, "if the truth is worth telling, it is worth making a fool of yourself for." Being ridiculous to these Younglife students and dressing up as a fourth grader is only because the message at the end of the night is worth it (and maybe I secretly really like wearing my hair like this).

p.s. my mom did call and say that I have the best blog. so predictable.

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